This week we looked at usability testing and how users can help find problems or flaws in design or function. I found this lecture to be quite helpful as we were shown different ways design can be more usable, so I can implement this into my work with text box sizes and composition.
In class this week we had a look at Steve Krug’s usability test script, so I had a further look into some of his work. He uses key principles for usability testing these are some that I found: don’t make users think, web pages should be obvious and self explanatory. A webpage that is designed well shouldn’t result in confusion or ambiguity. Another is that you should make sure that the users can understand your design, so you should create visual hierarchies so that its clear what’s clickable and removes distractions.
When designing links for a webpage they should clearly guide the user to the target instead of the user being unsure and having to give more thought into pressing the link.
The navigation of a webpage should be clear and functional so that the user has confidence in the functionality of the site. The main page of the website should show the big picture and shouldn't be lost with the other media on the home page.
I had a look into an article by the Nielsen Norman Group thats centered around usability testing.
It talks about the elements of usability testing which are the: facilitator, tasks and the participant. The facilitator guides the participant through the testing process. They will ask the participant questions and answer any questions they may have for the facilitator.
The tasks element of usability testing uses realistic activities that the participant could perform in real life. the article shows real usability studies an example they show is:
Your printer is showing “Error 5200”. How can you get rid of the error message?
You're considering opening a new credit card with Wells Fargo. Please visit and decide which credit card you might want to open, if any.
You’ve been told you need to speak to Tyler Smith from the Project Management department. Use the intranet to find out where they are located. Tell the researcher your answer.
The participant is the final element in the testing process, they should be a realistic user of the product/service. The participant is usually asked to think out loud and the facilitator could ask the participant to narrate their actions and thoughts as they complete the tasks.