This week we looked at content and where it comes from and what it is. we also looked at examples of how content makes up social media by seeing the different components of X and instagram.
Jeremy Keith was mentioned in our lecture so I decided to have a further look into his work, he’s is an Irish developer, writer and designer. He runs a blog on about everything from design to web development and even music. I had a look at one of his blog posts from 2021 called “Design Principles for the web”. In this post he states that the design process is split into triangles, with the first one being discovery which goes out wide then it narrows with definition. The next triangle widens so that the designer can figure out how to execute the task. After it has been executed the triangle then narrows in the delivery phase.
He states that the first diamond (discover & define) is about building the design and the second diamond (execute & deliver) is about building the right thing and building the thing right. Further down the blog Jeremy talks about design principles with a link to a website dedicated to design principles. I had a look at this website and it features collections of design principles from different designers, I particularly focused in on Joshua Porter’s principles of User Interface Design. The twenty principles are: