Our third and final project of the module is to create a way of visualizing one of the seventeen sustainable development goals from the United Nations.

For this project we were allowed to visualise the goal we chose however we wanted, so these are some that im going to consider for my design:

After some consideration I decided to make my design an app as I wanted my demographic to be for undergraduate students so I felt like this was the best way of visualising it.

The next step of the process was to figure out which sustainable development goal I was going to base my design off. I initially was going to present all seventeen for my app, I also drew a sketch of how this design would look:



I had a talk with my tutor about what SDG to focus on and he told me I could do seventeen but it beneficial to focus on less than five, so I narrowed down my search to three: Zero hunger, Quality education and Climate as I feel like these are quite important ones and fit my demographic quite well. I decided on the zero hunger goal because I thought that it would work well to have different pages of the app have different countries along with the information about hunger in the country.

So now that I had a rough idea of what I wanted to show for the app I started to sketch how I wanted it to look:


After I had completed the sketching phase of the process the next step was to wireframe how I was going to lay out the design in figma:

iPhone 14 & 15 Pro - 17.png

iPhone 14 & 15 Pro - 18.png

I then started to create a high resolution version on Figma of the countries on the global hunger index ahead of the critique:

Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 14.09.00.png

I received some helpful feedback from the critique based on the above design, I was told to get rid of the icons and put more emphasis on the percentages as they were the most important piece on the page. I was also told to remove the goal two page and just have the home screen be the list of countries, also I had to add buttons for navigation as the drag feature wasn’t clearly shown. After I had taken on board the feedback from my peers this is my final design for the project:

Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 02.32.51.png

Im quite happy with the final design for the project as I think it looks more professional and suitable for my demographic of undergraduate students.